What is Redux and Why Do We Use It?

What is Redux and Why Do We Use It?

All of you have heard of JavaScript, the general-purpose programming language for front-end development. Similar way, React is a front-end framework that seems a bit complex and comes with several application components, and hefty data going in and out of the framework. Now, this all managing various processes at once is literally similar to a headache. So, what's the way to keep it all in line? The answer to this is Redux.

What is Redux?

Redux is a state management tool which lightweight as compared to others mainly for JavaScript applications. It came in the year 2015 and was developed by Andrew Clark and Dan Abramov. Being a popular state management solution, it assists you to write applications that certainly behave similarly, and are simple to test. This can also help in running the same in various other environments (server, client, native). Now, the question is, in what way does [Redux](codersera.com/blog/react-redux-hooks-with-t..) perform this? It does this by making good use of a redux store like the complete application is handled well by one state object.

As per its official documentation, Redux was built on the main three principles: Your complete application's state is filled in an object tree within a single store. Make sure your application state is set to read-only and needs some alterations to be made necessarily by emitting a descriptive action. To mention how the state tree is fully transformed by actions, you write some clear reducer functions.

With the whole state of your application focused on a particular location, every component has direct access to the state (at least without even sending the props to callback functions, child components, to parent components).

With the functionality of the hook along with the Context API included in React, a few have questioned already whether Redux is still required to develop these hefty react applications. The answer to this is yes and though you may not demand it for an easy React application, you will need it whenever your application turns out more tough. Just remember that the Context API is not a replacement for Redux.

There are certain issues with the Context API when your application expands itself. In a huge application, the order in which the data shifts can be significant. With using Redux, you can easily keep a good record of the modifications in your state and time travel back to these alterations only.

Moreover, Redux is more dynamic than React stand-alone as Context frequently pushes re-renders. While we know that Context API has made it much simpler to move between parts without employing Redux, it's not a state manager, which states you are certainly missing out on a lot of other characteristics. Redux provides several tools that turn it greatly simple for you to test, debug, and track efficiently your state. For surity, Redux delivers scalability, simple debugging, and middlewares, It' also vital to note that Context and Redux cannot be easily compared under the similar category, as Redux is decoupled from the UI layer and is also a state management system, while we know that Context is not.

Pros and Cons of Redux

redux.png Transfer of state: State is stored together here in a single location known as a store. While you don't really require to store all the state variables in the store. It's mainly vital when the state is being distributed by various components or in a more tough architecture. The time your application turns heftier, it can be raising tough to recognize the main source of the state variables, which is the reason store is useful. It certainly permits you to call state data from any component simply. Predictability: Redux is indeed a predictable state management tool for JavaScript applications. Because reducers are pure functions and a similar outcome will be always be formed when a state and action are passed in. Moreover, the slices of state are set for you, turning the data flow more predictable than before. Maintainability: Redux offers a strict structure for how the code and state should be operated, which turns the complete architecture simple to replicate and estimate for someone who already has previous experience with Redux. Ease of testing and debugging: Redux turns it simple and provides robust tools like Redux Devtools where you can time travel to track your changes, debug, and much more to streamline your development process. While Redux is considered by every developer nowadays and they employ when building their application. Setting up its entire architecture for your application can be tough and seemingly does not need a process when you are working with a tiny application. It may seem an unnecessary expense to employ Redux unless you are estimating a hefty application.

Beginning with Redux

Its now overt that Redux is used with other JavaScript libraries such as Vue or Angular. Besides, it is famous for React projects also. Let's have a look at a prime application of React-Redux. Line 3 - 12: This applies a reducer, a clear function with (state, action) which is state signature. This function helps in transforming the first state into the upcoming state based on the action.type. Line 14: Designs a Redux store, which holds the entire state of the application. Its API is {subscribe, getState, dispatch}. The createStore function is a component of the Redux library. Line 16: subscribe() is mainly used to alter the User Interface UI in response to state changes. Line 18 - 19: A certain action is dispatched to completely mutate its internal state.

Now, you might feel a bit ready to commence testing the waters with Redux. However, don't get ahead of yourself. Redux requires a lot of time and a hefty learning curve at the start.