Best Coding Software For Writing Code

Best Coding Software For Writing Code

Coding software will never go off the trend shortly and that's true! Code editors have been launched by companies at a high pace. But, it seems a daunting task for the developer to choose a great one for them. So, we have compiled a list of the top 10 coding software for various platforms to ease the job of a developer. The following editors are free to use and they could be standalone or integrated into an IDE.

1. Notepad++

notepad++.png Notepad++ is a well-known free code editor perfectly written in C++. It uses pure win32 API which provides you a good performance, small program size, and speed. Besides, it is one of the best software that runs only in the Windows ecosystem and uses a GPL License.

Platform: Windows

Price: Free


  • It helps in syntax highlighting for certain languages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript.

  • Completely customizable GUI.

  • Auto-completion: Function and Word completion.

  • It gives a macro recording and playback.

  • Multi-language and view support.

  • User-stated Syntax folding and highlighting.

2. Atom

atom.png Atom is a valuable code software that is highly preferred by developers due to its easy interface in comparison to the other software. Besides, its users can send packages for the software.

Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac

Price: Free


  • Various panes.

  • Characteristic of smart autocompletion.

  • It permits cross-platform editing.

  • Package manager combined for plugins support.

3. Kite

kite.png Kite is a useful coding software that instantly finishes various line codes. It also supports more than 16 languages. Besides, it enables to code swiftly with no hassle.

Price: Free


  • It gives documentation for several languages.

  • You will receive a tooltip on the mouse hover.

  • Utilizes machine learning models for software development.

  • Gives extra support in email.

  • It offers a function signature as you start typing.

4. Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

visual studio code.png Visual Studio Code is a valuable open-source code editing software set up by Microsoft. Its a free software providing extra built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js. Additionally, it is autocompleted with IntelliSense characteristics gives smart completions based on essential modules, variable types, and function definitions.

Platform: Mac, Linux, Windows

Price: Free


  • Simply working with SCM (Software Configuration Management) and Git providers.

  • It is simply customizable and extensible.

  • Code debugging and refactoring.

5. BlueFish

bluefish.jpg Bluefish is a well-known cross-platform editor that handles various files simultaneously. It's a speedy tool and one of the best coding software for PC permitting developers to do remote editing. Besides, it provides several options to programmers and developers, to write, scripts, websites, and code.

Price: Free

Platforms: Mac, Windows, Linux


  • It is known as one of the best IDE for Mac that enables to load of several files within seconds.

  • It has a project support feature that assists you to work greatly on multiple projects.

  • Auto-recovery of changes in documents after a crash, shutdown, or kill.

  • Unlimited undo/redo functionality.

6. NetBeans

Apache NetBeans.jpg NetBeans is a fine open-source coding software for building with C++, PHP, Java, and other programming languages. It helps you to analyze code and convert it easily. Additionally, it permits you to upgrade your apps to use fresh Java 8 language constructs.

Platforms: Mac, Windows, Linux

Price: Free


  • It assists you to write bug-free code.

  • Simple and efficient project management.

  • It provides smart and fast code editing.

  • Speedier user interface development.

7. VIM

VIM.png Vim is a helpful advanced code editor tool that is also seen as an IDE in its way. It permits you to execute your code editing activities with Vim editors and the UNIX system that can be used online. Price: Free Platform: Linux


  • Robust replace and search.

  • Extensive plugin support.

  • It integrates with several tools.

  • It enables support for many programming languages and file formats.

8. Komodo Edit

komodo edit.png Komodo edit is a useful and strong code editing software. It is known as the best free editor permitting you to do debugging, code refactoring, and unit testing. Besides, it offers code integrations and profiles with technologies like Docker, Grunt, PhoneGap, Vagrant, and many more.

Price: Free Trial

Platform: Mac, Windows, Linux


  • Simply integrates into the desktop environment.

  • Multi-language editor.

  • Native Unicode support and compatibility checking.

  • You will get contemporary color schemes.

9. jEdit

jEdit.jpg jEdit is a valuable code editor software specially written in Java. It helps various macros and plugins. Besides, it gives a hefty collection of plugins executed by a global developer team.


  • You can simply download plugins using editing sessions.

  • Built-in macro language and extensible plugin architecture.

  • Register contents are saved through editing sessions.

  • It allows you to copy and paste with a bunch of clipboards.

  • Permits auto-indent, and syntax highlighting over 200 languages.

Price: Free

Platform: Mac, Windows & Linux

10. Blue Griffon

blue griffon.jpg BlueGriffon is an open source HTML editor powered by Gecko, which is Firefox's rendering engine. This programming editor has a simple interface and most usual features needed to create web pages that are compliant with W3C web standards.

Platform: Mac, Windows, Linux


  • Easy to change the color of font or to adjust the border style

  • Opens Tabs from Last Session

  • Shortcuts for CSS Editing

  • Multiple Themes for Source View

So, now you have got an idea about the best programming software for writing code based on the above information. This will help you to choose wisely what software is made for you.